First off we all need to realize there are single Mom's and Dad's at all different levels of need. Being a single parent has so many challenges. I am going to speak to my situation.
I have to plan everything because I cant run out for milk, bread or lunch things after Nick goes to bed. It is up to me to do everything from work, dinner, clean house, pay bills, and God forbid anything out of the ordinary come up. I need a support system of people to call on if a pipe breaks, a toilet over flows or some crazy emergency house thing happens. Then on top of that I need to know who I can call on to help me in those times that 1. will charge a reasonable rate and be honest. Or someone who would be willing to help me with things most men can just do! I have some things that need to be hung...don't have enough hands to do it on my own! Help around the house would be a huge blessing. Babysitting so I can do Ministry work and feel like I am a part of the body of Christ. I don't want to be taken care of I just need some extra help from time to time. My personal issue is I wont and don't ask for help and I know 90% of single Mom's out there wont.
One gift I really want is a Godly man who is willing to form a bond with my son and help him grow into the Godly man God wants him to be. You see he has a dad that is a great dad and has never missed a visit with him but his Dad is not a Christian. I want someone who will walk along side of Nick to help him grow spiritually not try to take his Dad's place but add to Nicks growth process! There are manly things I cant do for Nick and I need someone who is willing to stick with him and be that person.
I am going to leave you with a list of ideas on how to help the single Mom or Dad in your own backyard. This is suggestions given to me by other single parents. So step out today and if you have the resource adopt a single parent!
Publix gift cards
Painting inside or outside
Pulling weeds, edging & blowing, sharpen mower blade
Electrical (changing out light fixtures, outlets [for looks or safety)
Plumbing (check for leaks, repair flappers, etc.)
Handy Helpers (re-grouting, fixing leaky roof, etc.)
Car (tire pressure/baldness, oil pressure, change oil, car wash/wax)
Dryer vents are supposed to be changed once a year – do you do that – no, me either – good safety issue.
Clean garage/attic
Babysitting (Mom/Dad’s day/night out or maybe they just want a quiet nap)
Movie tickets
Family games (buy or play)
ALL SORTS OF HOME REPAIRS (I've had plumbing, electrical, things to build, etc)
SPORTS HELP FOR SONS (teaching how to throw a ball, bat, catch, etc.)
Small groups are great, but so would sort of a mentoring kind of thing. By that, I mean for guys to take us moms and show us how to do things listed above!
Also consider taking a child shopping to buy a small gift for the Mom or Dad. That was a gift given to me last year and it was HUGE!! (In 4 years of being single I had not had a single gift for Christmas, Birthday or Mothers Day...)