Please come and join us on Thursday, July 2nd at 6:30 - 7:30 in the Loft at the Long Point Campus (Seacoast) for a time of prayer for Honduras. We will be praying for protection, peace, knowledge and whatever else God places on your heart for the Honduran people.
I know this is last minute but I feel strongly that our prayers are needed now! If you can not make it please spend that time and join us in prayer from where ever you might be.
Feel free to call me
MaryChris Delcioppo
PS Forward this to all that might join us! The more mouths praying the better...
11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. 12 You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:11-12
Hi LAMB Friends,
The italicized email below is from an American investment in Honduras to Senator Kerry. International agencies have decided to support Mel Zelaya, but they do not know the truth of our situation and the danger we face with Chavez. I have copied this letter as an example at the bottom of this email. If sending in letters isn't your style, please continue to pray that our Lord will reveal the truth and guard over the people of Honduras. Also just wanted everyone to know that we will update the LAMB website with news from Honduras.Visit:
Suzy said today, "Did you see the news today about Honduras? Zelaya has postponed his return. International pressure is still against our interim government, which is holding firm by the way. Please continue to send letters, make phone calls . . . did you see the part about how one of the new cabinet members stated that Zelaya was enabling drugs to be moved from Venezuela through Honduras to the U. S., and that the DEA knows about his ties to organized crime? The DEA has not denied it.
Anyway, the delay will no doubt help our cause, as more and more information will be made available to the world -- such as the SIXTY MILLION LEMPIRAS IN CASH which was found in Zelaya's office, along with tons of envelopes for paying people to "vote" in his "referendum.""
Good Morning,
I’ve blind copied this email to as many people as possible, but please forward to whomever you like.
Based on comments I’ve heard in the media from President Obama and Secretary Clinton and well as from other countries, I am not convinced they understand the facts on the ground, and the threat that President Zelaya represented. CNN has been especially egregious, characterizing President Zelaya as the victim.
Just imagine if Honduras has to bow to international pressure and reinstate Zelaya? I trust we all know that this would be horrible for American investors. Imagine if a US President brought in foreign help to change the constitution so the president could remain in office for life.
I am writing to as many US government officials as possible to ‘get the word out’ that what has happened here followed the legal process for removing a renegade president and that it had support of the courts, congress and the military and the vast majority of citizenry. This was NOT a coup, but a criminal arrest. Hondurans should be applauded for how they handled this!
I hope that each of you will take some time TODAY to put together a brief message for members of our government. The President, the State Department, and the Senate Foreign Relations committee which has oversight of the State Department are all good places to start. Also, contact your own senators and representatives. Attached is a copy of the letter I am sending to as many government people as possible this morning. Please cut and paste any wording you like.
It is urgent that we accomplish this as fast as possible. Please help!
Senate Foreign Relations:
State Department:
US Embassy, Tegucigalpa :
Media: (New York Times: , Washington Post: , Los Angeles Times: , Philadephia Inquirer: , Chicago Tribune: , Yahoo News )
Below is the example letter that Russ Summerell sent to Senator Kerry:
June 29, 2009
Honorable John Kerry
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Senator Kerry:
I am writing to you as an American investor living in Honduras to express my admiration and respect for this country and how its government handled this crisis. They were faced with a difficult situation that was only growing worse. President Zelaya and a small portion of the population tried to highjack the country and destroy democracy in favor of a Chavez-style government. Zelaya was shredding the constitution he swore to protect in order to stay in power past constitutional limits and firmly align Honduras with Venezuela.
President Zelaya was clearly, and more than once, informed officially that his actions were outside of the constitution and law. Given his obedience to Hugo Chavez and Chavez’s money, Zelaya was a traitor to this country in the truest sense of the word.
We hope the US government will quickly realize that the facts of the case show that Honduras should be congratulated and the new government of President Micheletti Bain welcomed into the world community as quickly as possible.
Additionally, under Zelaya, crime has been allowed to soar. This crime wave has disproportionately impacted American investors. There have been numerous murders, stabbings and robberies this year alone. We especially urge the State Department to direct the embassy in Tegucigalpa to become involved in these issues.
Russ Summerell
Margaret Merritt
Director of Operations
The LAMB Institute
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